Thursday 11 October 2012

Start up of my plumline

>The Front Pages
This is my first draft of my magazine and what I had planned. I chose to place alot of images because it then grabs attention of my readers. In this case my target audience was Sixth Form students, and as a student myself I understand that having alot of images can help to keep focus. Also I made sure my stories were short and snappy so that readers didn't lose interest and go on to read the rest of the magazine. This is why I estimated that my images would be so large in proportion to the story space

The Contents Page
This page I believed was the hardest to plan as I felt that it was hard to determine how much information should be  included in proportion to the images. Eventually I decided that having more information would benefit the pupils as it is created for them to gain knowledge on the whole of the school ect. 

Analysis of magazine cover- nme

The cover of NME 
The creaters are very clever as you can imminently see the bright red of the title which is then used to make MIA's name stand out. They also use red to resemble danger, this is effective as MIA is being rebellious smoking on the cover. They have made all other stories headlines in very plain colours, black and white,  therefore they don't really gain the audiences attention as much as MIA and the masthead. They also make the text alot smaller than the other stories, its almost as if you could just miss that its there.  
To show MIA the picture is also taken from eye level, this successfully communicates her emotion. However as it is a mid close-up shot it can also communicate her body language, which at the moment is really relaxed almost as if she couldn't care less. The image of MIA is also airbrushed however it has that very raw look from having MIA's hair flying around wildly rather than being styled. 
The magazine follows a pattern of having the text surround the image making the image appear most important as if  that is the selling point, the text is used as a border/ frame for her. 
The magazince uses swear words and slang to communicate more to there target audience who probably would be 17-27 years. This is a very good target audience for this magazine as people that age are generally going through the stage of rebelling. 

Analysis of magazine cover-vibe

The front cover of Vibe. 
The cover of Vibe i think is age appropriate as i think its target audience is likely to be ages 18-28. However I feel this specific edition is for males. I gather this assumption from the front image cover of Mariah Carey in a bikini as she is standing leaning to the side making her boobs, bum and figure stand out. The image of Mariah is airbrushed this is typical of Vibe as they often care massively about the appearance of the people promoting there magazine.  
This cover follows the conventions of other Vibe magazines this is because it has the person covering part of the title, also the magazine still has its selling line above the masthead. It also follows convention as it has all the stories around the image creating a frame for the image therefore all attention is drawn to the image. 
In this case the image is taken from a low angle making Mariah look very powerful. The image is also a mid close-up which is very typical in a music magazine as it communicates emotion as well as body language.
In addition the main story which is about Mariah Carey has a different font to other stories. This is to grab the readers attention. Also the more important and interesting the story the bigger the font. 
There is a lot of colours used in this cover, they are mainly orange and blues this is because the main story is about Mariah Carey going to the beach. Therefore the orange represents the sun and the blue represents the sea. 

Analysis of magazine cover-Q

Analysis of Results From Music Survey

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Deconstructing plumline

In the schools magazine Plumline you can clearly see they have  used a range  of images and shot sizes and angles. There are many benefits on the features they have used for the magazine such as they made the title bold and colourful, they also used many images to keep the attention of its reader, which in this case is generally pupil aged 11-16. They also used very basic language so that it is easy for the audience to understand what is being portrayed in the magazine.  This magazine is peer to peer as it is written by other students and then passed on to there fellow students. 
This is the back page of the magazine and it contains many stories . However this page differs from the previous pages as it lacks pictures but has many stories. However the reader is still very likely to read this page due to titles such as Turkish Delight ect. 
This is the middle of the magazine and contains alot of text, however even though it contains a lot of information it still grasps the attentions reader due to different colours for each story and catchy titles. However in contrast to previous images used the main image on this page is taken from a low angle making all of the pupils, teachers and building look  powerful. 

Thursday 4 October 2012

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